Prolotherapy injection

Perineural Injection Treatment (Prolotherapy)

4 Aug 2018 | by

Perineural Injection Treatment®

This treatment, first discovered and later significantly developed by Dr. John Lyftogt  (pronounced  "Liftoff") consists of a series of small injections immediately under the skin targeting painful areas where the nerves are sensitive, with simple and natural substances. The substance Dr. Lyftogt uses is a buffered D5W (dextrose 5% in sterile water) with a neutral pH of 7.4.

Dr Lyftogt was the first person to use D5W to effectively treat chronic neuropathic pain and disability. Dr. Lyftogt found that treating painful nerves is an effective way to treat and extinguish chronic neuropathic pain.

In initial studies Dr. Lyftogt published, the treatment was named Subcutaneous Prolotherapy, and later, Neural Prolotherapy, abbreviated as NPT. The confusion with traditional Prolotherapy (a significantly different treatment) resulted in the change of these names to the more descriptive term, Lyftogt Perineural Injection Treatment ®. 

P.I.T. is a safe and effective treatment for painful conditions due to sport and occupation or other chronic non-malignant pain related issues. 

P.I.T. involves first making an accurate diagnosis of the cause of pain, which is usually due to an injured or non-healing sensory nerve causing pain and inflammation.

Every treatment aims to extinguish the pain. After the first treatment pain relief may last for a period of four hours to four days. Repeated treatments (6-8 sessions) usually done weekly, resulting in a gradual reduction of the overall pain, with the aim of complete resolution - a zero pain score - and allow a return of full function.  Success rates vary between 80-100% depending on the condition. For most conditions recurrence is unlikely unless re-injury occurs. 

The treatment is extremely safe; D5W is used as an IV solution in hospitals worldwide. Being mostly a subcutaneous treatment, and using only a half-inch needle, harm is minimized.  There may be some bruising. No allergic reactions have yet been observed.  Infection is extremely rare, calculated at about 1 in 300,000 injections. The only adverse reactions reported are temporary histamine-induced welts at injection sites and extremely rare corn allergies. There are no reported issues of dependency.

Dr. Lyftogt says: "Pain is an enormous unmet need. Current treatment guidelines with antidepressants, antiepileptic and analgesics targeting Central Nervous System sensitization benefit less than 25% of patients (Canadian pain society 2013). Opioids as a last resort are now creating an iatrogenic epidemic of opioid dependency worldwide".

"RCTs with D5W have been published for caudal epidurals for chronic low back pain, Achilles tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. We have published on 201 Achilles tendons with a 92% success rate at 12-month follow-up. Similar results have been published for chronic knee, compartment syndrome, elbow, and shoulder pain". 


Is Perineural Injection Treatment suitable for you?

Feel free to contact our rooms on 1300 858 860 and we will gladly assist you with any queries.