Pentosan Polysulphate Sodium (PPS)
What is PPS?
Pentosan Polysulphate Sodium (PPS) is a semi-synthetic drug manufactured in Europe to produce a product that mimics glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).
These complex carbohydrates have a regulatory role in the body through interacting with proteins involved with inflammation. PPS also has a mild antithrombotic (anti-clotting) activity.
PPS has been examined in safety studies across several species of animals to humans for more than 50 years. It has been used for over 30 years in Europe, treating patients with irritable bladder problems and as an anti-clotting agent.
Australian company Paradigm Biopharma is currently performing trials in Australia using PPS for the treatment of bone marrow edema (BME) affecting the knees and lower back, respiratory disease (Allergic Rhinitis), and alphaviral arthritis (Ross River Virus). It is not registered in Australia by the Therapeutic Goods Authority (TGA) for general use but is available through the government “Special Access Scheme”.
How Does it Work?
PPS is thought to work partly through its anti–clotting properties by shifting oedema and improving blood flow to the damaged area and partly through its anti-inflammatory action. Paradigm Biopharma are claiming that about 90% of the patients with knee arthritis they have treated are reported good relief.
Patients need to be initially assessed by either Dr Philip Bloom, Dr Ruben Branson, Dr Nicholas van Wetering, or Dr Sam Harkin as to whether they are suitable for PPS.
Usually this means they have failed to respond to usual conservative therapies. Patients will need to have an MRI scan prior to starting therapy. Following assessment if deemed suitable, then an application is made to the TGA. Once approved, the drug can then be ordered for the treatment to commence.
The dose is administered by subcutaneous injection, twice weekly for four to six weeks, total eight to twelve injections. Anti-inflammatory tablets (such as Nurofen / Voltaren etc.) need to be ceased 2 weeks prior to starting the injections.
from $3950.00
For further information on our services feel free to contact our friendly administration staff at Sportsmed Biologic on 1300 858 860. You may also email us at and we will ensure a member of staff will assist with your query.
Contact Us About PPS Treatment on 1300 858 860.