Sportsmed Biologic is committed to maintaining the highest standard of medical care during this difficult time. The services we provide are essential and help these people remain active and fit. Therefore, we will be continuing to operate during the pandemic through both face-to-face and telehealth.
During the pandemic, we are still able to provide face-to-face sport and exercise healthcare from Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm for all services. The clinic will now be closed on Friday & Saturday until further notice.
For patient safety we have:
- Requested our team has completed training concerning coronavirus and infection management from the Commonwealth Government’s Department of Health.
- Implemented a system requiring our team to report if they are exhibiting coronavirus-like symptoms before attending work.
- Implemented a system requiring patients to confirm they are not exhibiting coronavirus-like symptoms before attending appointments.
- Commenced providing hand sanitiser to our patients on arrival.
- Installed markings on the floor at our reception desks to ensure that patients remain more than 1.5m away from each other and our team at all times.
- Reduced the number of seats in our waiting rooms to ensure there is 4 sqm per person.
- Implemented a system whereby patients that arrive very early are requested to wait in their car and monitor their mobile phone for a text message advising them that their practitioner is ready to see them before returning to our site.
- Reduced the number of seats in our consultation rooms to ensure there is 4 sqm per person. Where 4 sqm per person is not possible, we have taken the consultation room out of service.
- Migrated from using linen to paper sheets, which are changed after every patient, on all treatment couches.
- Migrated from clinic-grade disinfectant to hospital-grade disinfectant.
We have also stopped accepting payment or providing change via coins and notes at our sites due to the inherent safety risk of passing physical money between people. Patients may pay via card, bank transfer, or with cash at any National Australia Bank branch.
- We have opened a Telehealth Clinic which enables you to attend appointments from home or work through video-link via the internet. Telehealth is similar to FaceTime, Skype, Viber and Zoom and allows you to interact with your practitioner visually. Telehealth is easy to use, from your phone, tablet or computer and is encrypted for your privacy and safety.
- Medicare rebates are available for appointments with:
- Sport and Exercise Physicians, where the patient has a referral from a medical doctor (for example, their General Practitioner or Orthopaedic Surgeon).
- Allied Health Practitioners (for example, a Physiotherapist), where a patient has a Chronic Disease Management Plan – CDMP (previously, an Enhanced Primary Care Plan – EPC) from their General Practitioner.
- Private health insurance rebates may be available for appointments with Allied Health Practitioners. Please contact your insurer for further details.
For further information about COVID-19, we recommend you visit:
Additionally, the Australian Institute of Sport‘s web site provides useful information about coronavirus in the context of sport which you can view by visiting
If you require non-urgent medical assistance concerning COVID-19, please phone your general practice. If you require urgent medical assistance concerning COVID-19 please make your way to a hospital emergency department or telephone 000.