Hip, Groin & Buttock Pain Specialists
If you are experiencing hip, groin or buttock pain due to a recent injury or an ongoing condition our Sports Medicine team have extensive experience in the diagnosis and management of your hip, groin or buttock pain or injury.
During your appointment you can expect the following:
History taking where you will be asked several questions related to your hip, groin or buttock pain or injury.
The type of questions you can expect during this consultation include:
- History of the pain or injury, including location, severity, things that make the pain worse or better.
- Previous related injuries
- Occupational or Sporting activities
- Past medical history including any medications
- Previous treatments
A physical examination of your hip, groin or buttock as well as other areas of the body if indicated such as lower back and ankles.
If needed to help reach a diagnosis, investigations may be required such as x-rays, MRIs or blood tests.
A diagnosis with explanation in laymans terms (non-medical language that is easy to understand).
A management plan will then be developed in conjunction with the patient.
Management may consist of:
- education of the condition and why it occurred
- advice on what to do and what to avoid making the condition worse
- exercise programs
- injections
- return to sport or activity programs
- if indicated referral to another health professional (physio, exercise physiologist, podiatrist, orthopaedic surgeon)
Below is a list of common conditions seen in patients:
- Hip labral tears
- Hip osteoarthritis
- Hip bursitis
- Gluteal tendinopathy
- Femoroacetabular impingement
- Chronic groin pain
- Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
Below is a list of interventional therapies available at our practice:
- Neural Prolotherapy
- Platelet Lysate Epidural
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
- DolorCast® High Power Laser
- DolorClast® Shockwave Therapy
It is recommended you make an appointment with one of our SEM Physicians or Physiotherapists as soon as you are injured or experiencing pain so they can immediately diagnose the cause of the problem and provide you with accurate management to help you with your symptoms as soon as possible.
Contact Sportsmed Biologic Today on 1300 858 860.